Project Location
İzmir / Aliağa
Year of Construction
Project Category
Market Place
Project Scope Of Bıd
Turnkey Lumpsum


Sandıklı Municipality

Actual Status :

Job Identifier
Project  Location AliAga / Izmır
Project Work Group Super Structure
Project Category Market Place
Project Scope Of Bıd Turkney Lumpsum
The employer of the project, which was started on 22.04.2008 and completed on 16.02.2009, is the Municipality of Aliağa. The project, which consists of a 2-storey multi-car park and marketplace, cafeteria, landscaping, square and seating areas, includes prefabricated 

Project Information
Date Of Contract 04/22/2008
Date Of Completion 02/16/2009
Completion Time 300 Day
Construction Area 14.629 m2
Aliağa Storey Market Place at the time of its construction; Besides being one of the largest multi-storey covered market places in Turkey, it has the title of the Aegean Region's Largest Covered Market place. In the Pazaryeri complex, there is a 7800 square meter parking lot, 1 bakery, men's and women's baths, 35 shops, 683 stalls, 1 cafeteria, prayer room, men's and women's toilets and 1 police office.